Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Need Beats

Are you nice on the production? You got soul beats? Send them to my soundcloud box. I might use it on an upcoming project. At the very least I will spread the word about your beats. I know emcees what better way to get your sound out to them. Also follow my blog for more opportunities. Leave a note with your websites as well I'm starting a database!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Elevator to Nowhere by Phatsounds

Friday, July 2, 2010

Case The Estate by Phatsounds -

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Best Musician’s Resource Out There!
by: Ty Cohen

Is there a particular musician resource out there that has worked for you or are you still looking? If you are reading this article, then most likely you are still looking. Trying to promote your CD, get signed, book gigs, build a fan base, gain exposure and impress A&R are all common goals of up and coming artists. Do you feel that you have exhausted all avenues there are? Well, luckily, you are wrong. Sometimes it takes thinking outside the confines of our hometown or state. You just need a shove in the right direction to get you going.

Great music promotional ideas are within arms reach. Where do you go when you need to look up the number for a plumber, movie theater or the electric company? Why of course, the yellow pages. But did you know that there is a yellow pages for the music industry? There sure is and I would suggest you look into acquiring it as soon as possible.

The powerful musician resource, the industry yellow pages, includes listings to over thousands of radio stations, clubs, venues, music studios, CD manufactures, producers and U.S. and International record labels. In addition to this, there are hundreds of listings for record stores, music distributors, press contacts, music conferences, promoters and managers. If you are trying to promote your CD, then there is no excuse to not have this incredible musician resource.

With the industry yellow pages in the palm of your hands, your music promotional ideas are infinite. You can promote your CD and your music to people all over the United States and over 40 countries all over the world. You can book gigs, find a manufacturer for your CDs, price music studios and even get hooked up with a great manager. It is an insanely powerful tool for the musician who feels they have hit a brick wall.

An independent artist will need all the help they can get and this is where you are going to find it. You no longer have to repeatedly use the same venues and solicit the same people. Be prepared to reach thousands of contacts with this effective musician resource. This might just be the key to your absolute success in the music industry. Promote your CD the right way with all the right resources from day one!

About the Author:
Ty Cohen, the online music industry's most recognizable voice is the former owner of a successful independent record label, current owner of Platinum Millennium publishing and nation-wide music industry seminar speaker and panelist. He is also the author and creator of over 40 best-selling music business books, reports, courses, audio products and other music industry "How to" resources, that have helped tens of thousands of individuals like you to successfully find their way in the music business. Visit for more information on Music Promotional Ideas, How to Promote Your CD, and Musician Resources.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Not So Tech Savvy Musician
by: Ty Cohen

You are a musician, right? Not a computer geek. I know you want to bust on to the online music promotion scene but you don’t know where to start. It is tough because you know lyrics and sound, not megabytes and gigabytes. But that is o.k., you still have hopes of succeeding with your Independent music promotion dream.

Everyone knows that there is money to be made online, especially musicians and artists. The problem is for most people is that they don’t know how to build a site, design a site, maintain a site and most importantly everything else that goes along with online music promotion on the internet. Not to mention placing streaming video, slideshows and MP3s on your website.

But there is no need to worry, you are not going to have to spend thousands on hiring someone to do this for you. You can learn how to do it yourself and save yourself tons of money. You don’t have to be super technologically savvy to achieve any of the above mentioned things. Fortunately, there are music promotion resources for people just like you that will guide you along the way.

If you already have your website up and running, then you are off to a good start. There are going to be a few more things you must do to incorporate the must-haves into your site. First you are going to have to know how to use streaming audio and media. Streaming audio allows you to add music to your site for your fans to enjoy. The same concept applies to the streaming video. Your Independent music promotion will skyrocket once these features are added.

There are five simple steps to follow when setting up audio files on your site. First, set up the recording hardware. Then record the material as a .WAV file. Next, remove any background noise, especially if you were recording live. Then, compress the file into MP3 format. And lastly, post it on your page! Not as hard as you imagined, right?

Streaming video is your next step online music promotion and your website. Streaming video is a sequence of moving images that are sent in compressed form over the Internet and displayed by the viewer as they arrive. First you will need the appropriate software, which is up to you to choose. Create a video file in media format, upload the file to the server and then embed the video into the site using an HTML tag.

Both of these music promotion resources are simple to incorporate into your site. There are many other possibilities for improvement when it comes to your site. Do some research. Get in contact with someone of some products that will aid you in the learning process of online music promotion and you should do great!

About the Author:
Ty Cohen, the online music industry's most recognizable voice is the former owner of a successful independent record label, current owner of Platinum Millennium publishing and nation-wide music industry seminar speaker and panelist. He is also the author and creator of over 40 best-selling music business books, reports, courses, audio products and other music industry "How to" resources, that have helped tens of thousands of individuals like you to successfully find their way in the music business. Visit: for more information on online music promotion, music promotion resources and independent music promotion.